VMR Researchers Invited to Lecture at ARVO 2015

ARVO 2015 - VMR Institute of Huntington Beach, CA 92647

VMR Researchers Invited to Lecture at ARVO 2015

ARVO 2015 - VMR Institute of Huntington Beach, CA 92647The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the premier eye research organization in the world. It’s annual meeting draws over 12,000 scientists and clinicians from all over the world to learn of the latest advances.

Only a small number of presentations (less than 5%) are selected for podium presentations, while the rest are posters. This year the VMR Institute for Vitreous Macula Retina has been selected for two lectures.

Quantitative Ultrasonography in Patients with Floaters
Speaker: Kenneth Yee, Senior Researcher
VMR Institute Chief Clinical Assistant


Hyalocytes in Macular Hole and Macular Pucker
Speaker: Matin Khoshnevis, 4th year medical student at UCI, 2014-15
VMR Institute research fellow



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