Dr. Sebag Lectures at ARVO 2024 in Seattle

Dr. Sebag Lectures at ARVO 2024 in Seattle

Dr. Sebag presented a lecture at ARVO Imaging Conference on May 4 entitled “Quantitative Ultrasonography of Vitreous to Image the Invisible”.
On May 7, Dr. Sebag presented a lecture in the Vitreo-Retinal Surgery session on Asteroid Hyalosis.
On May 8, Dr. Alex Engelmann, a fellow at UCLA with Dr. Alfredo Sadun who conducted research with Dr. Sebag presented a poster on MRI to image vitreous and quantify speeds of displacement with eye movement. Dr. Jeff Ketterling and associates at Cornell-Weill Medicine who have been collaborating with Dr. Sebag under the auspices of a grant from the NIH presented results with new ways to use ultrasonography to evaluate patients with vitreous floaters.

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