
Dr. Sebag brought the floaters discussion to Paris, France at the The French Ophthalmology Society's 121st annual meeting at the Palais des Congrès. A special symposium was organized by the Secretary General of the society, Professor Christophe Baudouin who is also a member of the American Ophthalmological...

Vitreous Pathology and Floaters  A lecture by J. Sebag, MD, FACS, FRCOphth, FARVO   Vitreous is the gelatinous structure that fills the center of the eye and is attached to the retina, which lines the inside of the back of the eye and acts like a film in...

Back in October of 2013, we were thrilled to announce that Dr. Sebag's research on floaters and the safety of a surgery used to treat them, was accepted for publication in Retina: the Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, a top ranked medical journal. We are...

On Dec 7, 2012 Dr. Sebag was a guest speaker at the 5th Amsterdam Retina Debate invited by the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Dr. Sebag shared with surgeons in Europe the VMR Institute’s excellent experience curing floaters. The audience was composed of eye surgeons who were asked to vote...

Floaters are hair-like, fly-like, grey linear structures that interfere with vision, especially when looking at a bright white background like a white wall, the sky, a hill of snow, etc. Floaters are not seen in dim light situations or when looking at dark backgrounds, such...

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