04 Jun Floater Research Published
Back in October of 2013, we were thrilled to announce that Dr. Sebag’s research on floaters and the safety of a surgery used to treat them, was accepted for publication in Retina: the Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, a top ranked medical journal.
We are now very pleased to announce that the research and findings can be found in the current, June 2014, issue of that publication.
The research findings center primarily on the idea that floaters impair contrast sensitivity, which would explain why patients with vitreous floaters are unhappy.
Since contrast sensitivity is an important component of vision, the determination that floaters lower contrast sensitivity will hopefully enable doctors to perceive this condition as a disease rather than just a nuisance, and thus stimulate doctors to entertain therapy to cure floaters.
The ability to quantify contrast sensitivity enables clinicians to objectively determine the severity of floaters and this should help improve proper case selection for surgery.
This study has shown that limited vitrectomy can cure floaters with normalization of contrast sensitivity in all cases tested so far. There have been no cases of infection, or retinal detachments, and thus this approach is scientific, founded on good clinical grounds, has a very high success rate and is above all safe.
Future studies (ongoing) will likely confirm these findings in a larger group of patients (now over 100) and determine long-term effects of limited vitrectomy surgery to cure floaters.
Click here to read about the research study and findings.